The Slow spirit: living consciously

L’esprit Slow : vivre en conscience

Slowing down the pace to live better and concentrate on the essentials, this is the very essence of the concept of Slow life. As the days become ever busier, tasks ever more numerous, and our minds ever more cluttered, living in the present moment becomes a luxury that we struggle to afford. If you aspire to more calm and balance in your daily life, here are some ways to adopt the Slow movement.

Take his time

And above all, don't lose it again! If every night you feel overwhelmed by all the things you've done (as well as those that haven't been checked off your To Do List), then it's time for you to marry someone else. lifestyle. No longer feeling overwhelmed and opposing fast living means becoming more anchored in space and time. Less virtual, more human, and above all quality which takes precedence over quantity.

To move towards more simplicity, and no longer have the feeling of missing out on your priorities, it is necessary to make some adjustments in your daily life: reduce your travel, negotiate a day of teleworking, escape from the ambient frenzy, close the computer at the weekend, find your way back to nature…
Let's stop being out of breath to live, no longer at 100 miles an hour, but at 100% !

Less is more

If the Slow movement resonates with all aspects of our lives: food, travel, work, education... it naturally finds its place in our interior. Because getting back to basics is most easily applied in our living space. First by decluttering. Getting rid of the superfluous to keep only what we sincerely love and which is useful to us, is a first step to unburden yourself mentally .

Easier to live in, better tidy and above all more refined, our home offers a healthier and minimalist atmosphere. Always following the codes of a Slow life, we forget compulsive purchases and we obviously refocus on well-made, durable and timeless pieces . It is by following these codes that Nunamae imagines each of her creations. Handcrafted, with respect for the planet and people, our rugs and poufs celebrate a simple, timeless aesthetic and have the advantage of being easy to maintain.

Slow spirit and entrepreneurial life, is it possible?

The Slow spirit is an art of living that I have adopted for a long time in all of my daily life, both in my personal and professional life. To be transparent with you, before starting to work on the Nunamae project, I was living 100 miles per hour to the point of burning out at work.

By deciding to launch my own brand, with all the meaning that surrounds it, I made the choice to slam the door on my old life. I left Paris to return to Portugal, and I adopted a new rhythm . I took the time. No more subway, work, sleep. No more traffic jams. Here, I have time to drop my son off at daycare. If I feel like picking it up a little earlier, I do. I no longer want to waste my energy or my health doing 1000 things at once. And even though it's not always easy with life as an entrepreneur, I think I've managed to focus on what really matters.

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