10 tips to develop your creativity

10 astuces pour développer sa créativité

As spring (my favorite season with summer during which I feel lighter, more enlightened and more inspired) is fast approaching, I wanted to discuss the notion of creativity with you. My emotional state has a considerable influence on my inspiration or, on the contrary, on my lack of inspiration. Contrary to popular belief, creativity is not just a question of gift, but rather a succession of stages and cycles that must be accepted. But by integrating a few changes into his daily life, we are all able to encourage him. Here are some ideas to help you develop yours.

1 – Keep a notebook of ideas and inspirations

Good ideas are often forgotten as quickly as they came. To stop forgetting what's going through your mind during a walk, a discussion or a train ride, always carry a notebook and a pen with you. Diving back into these notes regularly makes it easier to associate ideas, but also to sort them and imagine a more global project.

If you're not on the paper team, consider using the memo function on your phone or the notes application to write them down.
Finally, let yourself be tempted by the mood boards. On a cork board, images, colors and materials move in the blink of an eye to create inspiring combinations.

2 - Dare!

Getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks, moving towards new directions… creating is also and above all daring!
There is no question of restricting your imagination because the secret to liberated creativity is self-confidence. Leave the fear of failure behind and dare to believe in your projects!

3 – Let your mind wander

Daydreaming to create better is essential! While we imagine the brain in “off” mode during these moments when our thoughts detach themselves from the task in progress to wander freely, it is actually the opposite that occurs. And the less we are aware of it, the more it benefits us! Let go during the day to give your mind time to generate new ideas, that's a big yes.

4 – Take care of yourself

When you feel good in your head and in your body, the climate immediately becomes more favorable to creation. On the program to get there: a healthy and balanced diet, a little sport, meditation or even activities that motivate you and give you pleasure (walks, sauna, etc.). Without forgetting the daily routine in the bathroom with green cosmetic products that are as clean for the body as they are for the planet.

5 – Arrange a creative space

A small office area in the living room, the entrance or under the stairs to indulge in manual work (painting, collage, embroidery, jewelry, etc.), this is an easy idea to implement to leave room for creativity. By setting up your own space, you increase the chances of devoting time to your activities, whatever they may be.

It's up to you to think of this space in your own image ( Pinterest is a good ally if you don't know where to start )! Organized with a multitude of boxes and wall panels or on the contrary in a more bric-a-brac spirit, build this little corner so that it brings you what you are looking for when you sit there: inspiration!

6 – Change environment

What if a change of scenery was enough to make us see things from another angle? It has been proven that getting out of the house (and especially when walking in nature) significantly increases creativity.
Anna Wintour also confides that these changes in environment contribute to giving rise to new inspirations: “I sincerely think that we need to go out, go to the cinema, to the theater, to exhibitions. I travel a lot. Every time you leave your house, even if it's just on the street, you can have new ideas. »
Attention homebodies, we're doing violence to ourselves, and we're going out to get some fresh air for an hour during the day!

To me, the creative process is something very intuitive and personal. I don't have a specific environment where I feel more creative, but these phases give me a lot of pleasure and I see opportunities and ideas come to me, whether in conversation, while cooking, alone or accompanied.

7 – Be patient

Ideas sometimes pop into our heads, but the steps that lead to their realization require real patience. Accepting that we are not machines is essential to not abandoning our projects along the way.
Don't panic when faced with a lack of inspiration either! We cannot be constantly creating. When this happens to me, I just accept it. But this has not always been the case. Very often, I felt frustrated and constrained by not being able to develop a project or product due to lack of creativity. This was particularly the case last year when I put a lot of pressure on myself.

With hindsight, I realized that we must understand our needs at the moment. Breathe, live and respect the less creative phases, because they are very important in the creative process.

8 – Change your habits

If routine has its good sides, changing your habits also allows you to awaken a new outlook. No need to turn everything upside down, but rather to indulge in a few changes in your daily life. Find a different route to work or the grocery store, take your lunch break in a park rather than at home or within the company, discover new flavors in a restaurant, listen to a motivating podcast rather than music, read a few pages of a book before bed instead of being on your phone.

These changes don't have to happen every day, but the more you enjoy innovating, the more you'll want to venture into something new.

9 – Brainstorm

Solitude is often an essential step in creating, but exchange with a colleague or those around you is essential to confront criticism and consider new perspectives. These discussions are also an opportunity to find solutions to problems, or to unblock a lack of inspiration.

These moments of exchange or co-creation help to take the necessary perspective to avoid feeling overwhelmed, overworked and thus blocking the creation phase. A coffee break, lunch, or a phone call... organize this moment to recharge your batteries and reassure yourself.

10 – Follow a creative process

Many artists, craftsmen, designers and even creators have a creation ritual that is specific to them and which guides them through the stages.
For my part, when I have the idea of ​​creating something, I start with a brief of what I would like to do and a search for what already exists. I make some drawings, I look for materials, colors, and I talk with my craftsmen to try to understand the viability of the project.

Most of the time, my projects are born from something personal, that I experienced, felt, a song, a moment, a person I love, etc. It is therefore very important to me that my creations are evocative of these memories.

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