Info — Tagged "La Vie Green"

10 conseils pour choisir votre prochain tapis de salon.

10 Tips to Choose Your Next Living Room Rug.

The living room rug is the unsung hero of the space. It ties furniture together, defines areas, and provides a soft, ... more

7 astuces pour bien chiner en brocante

7 tips for finding good bargains at flea markets

When the good weather returns and until autumn, flea markets and garage sales flourish every weekend in the four corn... more

Ménage de printemps : nos conseils pour ranger et nettoyer efficacement sa maison

Spring cleaning: our tips for tidying and cleaning your house effectively

An annual event for our interiors, the big spring cleaning is an opportunity to sort through all the rooms in the hou... more

28 juillet 2022 : jour du dépassement

July 28, 2022: Overshoot Day

Like every year, the date of "overshoot day" is calculated by comparing humanity's annual consumption of ecological r... more

Le lin, cette matière d’excellence qui a tout bon

Linen, this excellent material that has everything good

As pleasant to the eye as to the touch, linen exudes vacation. Delicate and extremely refined with its chic wrinkled ... more

Pourquoi acheter une pièce Nunamae pour Noël ?

Why buy a Nunamae piece for Christmas?

Is it really possible to combine an ecological approach and an ethical Christmas? The answer is yes ! And it is by tu... more